Motor Fan Balancing Machine

HO10mfThe balancing act for motor-fan assemblies for HVAC and cooling systems.

This Hines balancing machine automatically clamps and spins the part under its own power. The two-plane balancer measures the unbalance and displays the blade and the number of clips required to balance the assembly. This equipment measures unbalance in one, two, or three planes (for force, right plane, left plane, and couple unbalance). Laser pointers and the computer display of the correction information (specifying # of clips and which clip weight or mass), allows an operator to correct for unbalance quickly and accurately on the first spin. This balancer works for DC and PWM motors and continues to read the correct amount of unbalance even if an operator accidentallyHO10MF Denso puts the clips in the wrong place. Hines offers many motor-fan balancing machine configurations for balancing different motor-fan assemblies used for industrial, commercial, and automotive; HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), and engine cooling systems. The suspension on this machine can measure unbalance caused by finger prints and is the same one we use for balancing turbines.

Motor Fan Assembly balancers can be based on the following machines:


Customer Showcase

"Prior to getting the first 2 Hines balancers, we liked the interface on our 2 competitor Y balancers but we had to recomp every 15 minutes. We found out the Hines balancers are the best of them all by far. We have purchased additional Hines balancers since then. We rarely need any service. When service has been required, Hines has taken care of us."

Jack, Founder, Hessaire Products

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